17th TRW | ALA: Forging the wings of leadership Published May 23, 2023 By Senior Airman Sarah Williams 17th Training Wing Public Affairs GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The 17th Training Wing held the Airpower Leadership Academy at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, May 15 to May 19. ALA: Forging the wings of leadership U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Eric Schmidt, 17th Civil Engineer Squadron senior enlisted leader, leads Airpower Leadership Academy attendees through a course on empowerment and leadership influence at the Consolidated Learning Center, Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, May 15, 2023. Schmidt and other facilitators volunteered their time to help noncommissioned officers and their equivalents become the leaders of tomorrow. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Sarah Williams) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res The course provides noncommissioned officers with the necessary skill set to lead and develop peers and the future force. Goodfellow held its first ALA class in November of 2022 and is an ever-changing professional development course, originally 10 weeks long but condensed to one week. ALA: Forging the wings of leadership A student takes notes during the Airpower Leadership Academy, Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, May 15, 2023. ALA provides noncommissioned officers with the necessary skill set to lead and develop peers and the future force. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Sarah Williams) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res “The difference between the last course and this one is we have a basis of feedback that we could pull from to improve the course,” said Tech. Sgt. Christian Arvelo, ALA facilitator. “Our direction was to try to improve the course to what NCOs feel they need in today’s Air Force.” The course provides students access to years of experience through volunteer guest speakers who teach essential lessons on tough conversations and servant leadership. ALA is designed for service members ranking from E-5 to E-6 to help bridge a gap between Airman Leadership School and NCO Academy. ALA: Forging the wings of leadership Noncommissioned Officers attend the Airpower Leadership Academy at the Consolidated Learning Center, Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, May 15, 2023. ALA bridges the gap between Airman Leadership School and the Academy by providing necessary professional education. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Sarah Williams) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res “This week was impactful,” said Staff Sgt. Carlos Wooten, 312th Training Squadron instructor. “I’m super happy I attended the class because I reaffirmed what I’m doing and why I’m doing it, while giving me other perspectives that I needed.” The attendees were hand selected by leadership with the expectation to relay what they learned to members who did not receive the opportunity to attend the class.