Help available for DAF Airmen, Guardians, civilians in event of lapse in appropriations Published Sept. 29, 2023 Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Assistance to reduce potential impacts in the event of a government shutdown on Airmen, Guardians, civilians, and their families is available through various means. Those experiencing financial difficulties should contact their chain of command, who can provide more information on the financial aid organizations below. Compensation: The Military Leaders Economic Security Toolkit, located on the Military OneSource website, offers information and support. The site is updated regularly to reflect challenges and policy changes related to economic security. Unemployment Benefits: Furloughed employees are eligible to apply for unemployment benefits, but excepted employees working on a full-time basis are generally not eligible. Employees who wish to file should do so with the Unemployment Office for the state where the employee worked (i.e., last official duty station prior to furlough). Please be advised, however, that when employees receive retroactive pay, they will be required to pay back any unemployment benefits they received, in accordance with State law. For more information, see OPM guidance and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees. Personal Financial Readiness: The Military and Family Readiness Center personal financial readiness program sustains and improves financial literacy and readiness by offering information, education, training, and free personal financial counseling to Airmen, Guardians, and their families. The DAF has also increased the number of Personal Financial Managers available to assist and enhance financial readiness and money management skills for members and their families. The Air Force Aid Society continues to support emergent needs such as basic living expenses (e.g., food, rent/mortgage, utilities), vehicle expenses (e.g., payments, repairs, insurance), and child care costs. Airmen and Guardians can submit requests through local Military and Family Readiness Centers and Airman and Family Readiness Centers. If Airmen, Guardians, or their families are not near an aid organization, they may seek financial assistance from the Red Cross. Several banking institutions, such as USAA, Navy Federal Credit Union, and Marine Federal Credit Union, have been known to advance military pay to their customers during government shutdowns. Contact your bank to inquire about their policies for situations like these. Food Insecurity: First Sergeants and Military and Family Readiness Centers assist Airmen, Guardians, and their families in need of food security-related grants and loans with referrals to programs such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Federal Subsistence Supplemental Allowance program, and the Air Force Aid Society. The FY22 National Defense Authorization Act established a Basic Needs Allowance. The BNA Program provides supplemental income for military members and dependents whose gross household income falls below 130% of federal poverty guidelines. TRICARE: In response to the ongoing possibilities of a government shutdown, the Defense Health Agency (DHA) has authorized its TRICARE contractors to continue delivering health care to the 9.4 million beneficiaries of TRICARE. TRICARE beneficiaries seeking medical care from private providers should feel no significant effects. Care at military hospitals and clinics would remain largely unaffected. The TRICARE website includes current information about the impact of the shutdown on TRICARE health plans and military hospitals and clinics. Overseas and Remote Commissaries: Check the status of local commissaries to determine the status of your local store. During a shutdown, some non-appropriated fund services may continue to operate. Check with your local installation’s website to determine which services will remain open in your area. If able, plan ahead and minimize its impact on day-to-day routine. To see contingency plans for federal government agencies visit: Additional Helpful Links: CONTINGENCY PLAN GUIDANCE FOR CONTINUATION OF ESSENTIAL OPERATIONS IN THE ABSENCE OF AVAILABLE APPROPRIATIONS: AFPC TOTAL FORCE SERVICE CENTER: U.S. OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: OMB OVERVIEW & FAQS: